Monday, December 13, 2010

Intercultural Holiday Festival!

JRCoE First Annual Intercultural Holiday Festival

All College of Education students, faculty, staff, and family were invited to attend the First Annual Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education Intercultural Holiday Festival.

The Intercultural Holiday Festival OESA-Norman co-sponsored was on December 3rd. Festivities began  at 5:00PM with a welcome from Dean Joan K. Smith followed by dinner, desserts, holiday crafts and an exciting Taiko Drumming performance. 

The diversity committee created informational posters that represent holidays like Hanukkah, Al Hijra, Bodhi Day, Las Posadas, Winter Solstice, Soyaluna Ceremony, Kwanzaa, Chinese New Year and more!

OESA- Norman provided an array of desserts representative of other cultures and traditional favorites as well as a craft table with a holiday card station and American Indian cornhusk doll station. 

OESA- Norman members & family enjoying the event!

Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education Faculty & students

OESA- Norman craft table!!

Exciting Taiko Drumming performance by OU students!!!