OESA Hosts Future of the Professoriate Panel
March 13, 2012
TO: Andy Rieger, The Norman Transcript
FROM: The Norman Chapter of the Oklahoma Educational Studies Association (OESA - Norman)
RE: Public Forum – Future of the Professoriate Panel
CONTACT: Johnnie-Margaret McConnell, OESA Publications Chair
The University of Oklahoma’s graduate student organization the Norman Chapter of Oklahoma Educational Studies Association (OESA - Norman) hosts a public panel featuring “The Future of the Professoriate” on Friday, March 30, 2012, from 4:30-6:00 pm, within the Oklahoma Memorial Union’s Regents Room. The Oklahoma Memorial Union is located at 900 Asp Ave., in Norman, Oklahoma. OESA is the graduate student organization for the Educational Studies program within OU’s Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education.
Participants on the panel include: Dr. Nancy Mergler (Senior Vice President and Provost, University of Oklahoma), Dr. Lisa Holder (Director of Teacher Education, Oklahoma State Regents), Dr. Penny Pasque (Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, University of Oklahoma), and Dr. Terry Spigner (Professor of Advanced Professional and Special Services, University of Central Oklahoma). Panelists are invited to present their unique experiences in the areas of administration, policy, research and practice as it relates to the professoriate. Panel members will field questions from education scholars and practitioners, and answer public inquiries.
The Norman Chapter of the Oklahoma Educational Studies Association is committed to providing a space for the free and open exchange of ideas concerning education. “It is our sincere hope that this panel discussion will enable those who are considering future careers as professors, the chance to learn more about the potential opportunities and challenges that might affect their role in higher education.” —Goldie Thompson, President OESA- Norman.
OESA – Norman hopes that providing a public forum featuring the aforementioned panelists will create a framework for graduate students to consider the potential impact of administrative and policy issues on their future professorial practice. “This forum will be a great opportunity for graduate scholars to inquire about current employee evaluation assessments, professorial responsibilities, as well as accountability measures. Additionally, scholars might ask questions about current legislative concerns that could potentially affect the professoriate.” – Goldie Thompson, President OESA-Norman.
OESA-Norman is an academic organization that takes as its primary mission the support, education, and professional development of prospective, past, and current graduate students doing work in the field of Educational Studies. This is done by providing opportunities for academic and professional development. For more information on OESA, please visit our website at http://www.ou.edu/oesa.